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How Doctors Treat With Tenotomy Procedure NJ Minimally Invasive Surgery

There are several ways doctors treat with tenotomy procedure NJ minimally invasive surgery. Importantly, tenotomy is a minimally invasive tendon release surgery. Typically, doctors cut through or disconnect a tendon at the affected area to increase patients\’ range of motion. Usually, functional medicine Bergen County NJ doctors and physicians in other areas recommend tenotomy surgery for patients whose conditions do not respond to other treatments such as casts, splints, and stretching. As an individual experiencing chronic pain from a medical condition or injury, you need to know what conditions this tendon release procedure can treat. This way, you can fully understand your care options and can start your recovery journey. Read on to learn about how doctors treat with tenotomy procedure NJ minimally invasive surgery.

Tennis Elbow

First, many doctors use tenotomy procedure NJ to treat tennis elbow. Importantly, tennis elbow occurs when your tendons are overloaded, causing pain in your forearm and wrist. To relieve this pain, doctors can carefully trim your damaged and scarred tendon tissues. Often, doctors perform this tendon release anthroscopically, using a small surgical camera. During the procedure, your physician makes two tiny incisions at the back of the elbow. Then, they can carefully remove your damaged tissues. Many patients can go home the same day of their procedure wearing a brace or sling. For optimal recovery, your doctor may recommend physical therapy to increase your strength and elbow mobility. Definitely, ask your physician about tenotomy procedure New Jersey to treat tennis elbow.

Jumper\’s Knee

Next, doctors can also use tenotomy in New Jersey to treat jumper\’s knee. Notably, many doctors treat jumper\’s knee with percutanous needle tenotomy. With this type of procedure, physicians pierce the damaged parts of your patella tendon with a needle through the skin. To ensure accuracy, doctors often use an ultrasound during the procedure to guide the needle. After the procedure, you may need to use crutches for about a week. Then, you can work with your physician to progress to normal weight bearing and exercise. As with injection therapy NJ for back pain, patients with patellar tendonitis or jumper\’s knee  often experience quick pain relief after their tenotomy. Since the procedure is minimally invasive, you usually do not need sutures or stitches as well. Absolutely, consult with your doctor about percutaneous tenotomy NJ for jumper\’s knee.


Additionally, many doctors use tenotomy minimally invasive surgery NJ to treat clubfoot. According to recent studies, over 85% of children with clubfoot can benefit from percutaneous tentomy. Indeed, clubfoot can cause calf muscles and Achilles tendons to be very tight. Often, this tightness can limit flexibility and push the heel into a nonfunctional position. Notably, Achilles tenotomy can improve the foot\’s position. In addition, it can restore flexibility, as doctors lengthen the tendon and release tension. For many patients, this procedure can also prevent the recurrence of clubfoot as well. After the procedure, your physician may place a cast on your leg to support proper tendon healing. Certainly, talk to your doctor about Achilles tenotomy procedure NJ to treat clubfoot.

Plantar Fasciitis

Moreover, many doctors also use percutaneous tenotomy surgery NJ to treat plantar fasciitis as well. For this procedure, doctors insert a small needle into the fascia to break up and release part of it from the bone. According to recent studies, over 75% of patients had a significant decrease in pain. In addition, they could return to normal daily and athletic activities. Depending on your condition, doctors may recommend percutaneous needle tenotomy with platelet-rich plasma therapy or PRP treatment NJ. For this treatment, doctors inject your own platelet-rich plasma into the area where they did the tenotomy. Since platelets support healing through growth factors, this can prevent pain from returning. In short, tenotomy therapy New Jersey is great with PRP injections to treat plantar fasciitis.

Rotator Cuff

Furthermore, doctors can also treat rotator cuff injuries with tenotomy procedures NJ. Left untreated, damaged bicep tendons can continue to cause shoulder pain even after rotator cuff surgery. Thus, many doctors perform this procedure to minimize pain. Typically, about 1 in 4 patients with rotator cuff tears need a bicep tenotomy to truly lower their pain levels. During the procedure, doctors usually remove torn bicep tendons from inside the joint. Then, they reattach it where it exits the joint. In some cases, they may cut the tendon and allow it retract. Usually, the bicep muscles continue to work at the elbow. Simultaneously, the tendon release typically does not affect your motion or shoulder strength as well. Therefore, ask your doctor about bicep tenotomy NJ for rotator cuff treatment.

There are several ways doctors treat with tenotomy procedure NJ minimally invasive surgery. First, many doctors use tendon release to treat tennis elbow. Next, ask your physician about tenotomy for jumper\’s knee or patellar tendonitis. In addition, Achilles tenotomy can also treat clubfoot. Moreover, tenotomy for plantar fasciitis can significantly relieve pain. Furthermore, bicep tenotomy can also reduce pain after rotator cuff surgery. Consider these points to learn about how doctors treat with tenotomy procedure NJ minimally invasive surgery.

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