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When Should You See An Orthopedic Knee Pain Specialist NJ?

There are several signs you should see an orthopedic knee pain specialist NJ. When patients are suffering from knee pain, many medical professionals recommend starting with at-home care. For example, patients can take over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen, following the recommended dosage on the bottle. In addition, many patients also do PRICE therapy. This involves protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. As a patient with persistent or severe pain, you need to know when to see an orthopedic doctor for knee pain. This way, you can get proper treatment such as regenerative medicine Jersey City NJ and prevent your knee condition from getting worse. Read on to learn about when you should see an orthopedic knee pain specialist NJ.

Chronic Knee Pain

First, you should see an orthopedic knee pain specialist NJ if you are suffering from chronic pain. With chronic pain, your body usually hurts weeks, months, or years after an injury. Most doctors define chronic pain as any pain that last three to six months or more. Notably, chronic knee pain can be caused by a variety of acute injuries and medical conditions. For example, many adults experience chronic knee pain from ACL tears, knee fractures, or knee dislocations. On the other hand, another medical condition, such as osteoarthritis might cause your chronic knee pain. Some athletes also suffer from runner\’s knee, which causes stiffness at the front of the knee cap. To seek relief, schedule a consultation with your orthopedic knee pain specialist NJ for chronic pain.

Difficulty Walking

Next, you should also see a knee pain specialist New Jersey if you have difficult walking. Importantly, pain that can progress enough to cause a limp or make you avoid walking altogether can be dangerous. Often, it indicates a bone injury or degenerative condition. Therefore, you should try to see your knee pain doctor as soon as possible. In addition, you should see a doctor if you have inability holding weight on your knee as well. Typically, you feel the need to shift weight away from your bad knee and start favoring your other side. Over time, this can worsen your condition. Additionally, seek medical attention or holistic pain management NJ if your knee wobbles or feels like it could collapse. Usually, this is joint instability is the sign of a ligament injury or condition, which can worsen over time. Absolutely, see an orthopedic knee pain doctor NJ if you have difficulty walking.

Pain For More Than 48 Hours

In addition, schedule an appointment with your orthopedic knee pain specialist NJ if you have pain for more than 48 hours. Notably, some of the causes of this deep knee pain include meniscus or cartilage abnormalities. Often, these can limit the smooth range of motion in your knee. Simultaneously, they can contribute to feeling deep knee pain. Additionally, doctors often refer to the meniscus as the shock absorber of the knee. Indeed, it contains articular cartilage that allows for smooth flexion and extension while walking. Along with pain, a popping sensation can also accompany a meniscus tear. It can make your knee feel as if it\’s locked in place when you try to move it. If this is accompanied by pain, you should medical attention. In short, consult with your knee pain specialist NJ if you have pain for more than 48 hours.

Altered Knee Sensation

Moreover, you should also see an orthopedic knee pain doctor NJ if you have an altered sensation in your knee or lower leg. For example, you may feel tingling or poking sensations in your knee. Often, this is a clear sign of a nerve injury. In addition, you might also feel numbness on your knee. Importantly, this can indicate wounded nerve cells. Typically, pain specialists diagnose altered knee sensations, nerve damage, or pinched nerves using X-Rays, MRIs, or electromyograms (EMGs). In addition, they can also use a nerve conduction test to assess the speed of signals in the nerve. Depending on your condition, your doctor may recommend physical therapy, injection treatment such as PRP treatment NJ, or an orthotic boot for treatment. Definitely, see your orthopedic knee pain specialist NJ if you have altered knee sensation, numbness, or tingling.

Knee Pain Accompanied By Other Severe Symptoms

Furthermore, see your orthopedic knee pain physician New Jersey if you have knee pain accompanied by other severe symptoms. For example, you should seek immediate medical attention a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit accompanies your knee pain. Importantly, this can be a sign of infection. In addition, you should also seek care for redness or heat around the knee joint. If you have sudden sever swelling of your knee or lower leg, this is another important sign to see your knee pain doctor immediately. Visible deformity of the knee joint or lower leg is another key sign you should see your doctor. Additionally, if you cannot bend your knee voluntarily, this can indicate a more serious condition. Undoubtedly, seek immediate care with your knee pain doctor or call 911 if you experience knee pain with other severe symptoms.

There are several signs you should see an orthopedic knee pain specialist NJ. First, see your doctor if you have chronic knee pain that is keeping you from enjoying your day-to-day activities. Next, seek medical attention if you have difficulty walking or bearing weight on your knee. In addition, pain for more than 48 hours is another key sign you should see your knee doctor. Moreover, schedule an appointment with your specialist if you have altered knee sensation. Furthermore, seek immediate care if your knee pain is accompanied by other severe symptoms. Consider these signs to learn about when you should see your orthopedic knee pain specialist NJ.

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