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What Doctors Can Treat With Hormone Replacement Therapy In NJ

There are various conditions doctors can treat with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in NJ. Hormonal imbalance affects thousands of women and men around the world. To treat these imbalances, the best doctor offers solutions in the form of pills, creams, patches and injections. As an individual who might be experiencing severe imbalance symptoms, you should find a doctor that specializes in addressing your condition. Of course, talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy to determine if this is the right method for treatment. Read on to discover what doctors can treat with hormone replacement therapy in New Jersey.


First, the best physician in Jersey City can use HRT to treat menopause. Hormone therapy can treat common menopausal symptoms including hot flashes and vaginal irritation. More so, HRT has been proved to reduce fractures and prevent bone loss in postmenopausal females. The top specialist will review your symptoms and determine what HRT would work best for you. Plus, they will continue to reevaluate your condition over time to ensure the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks. You might receive systemic hormone therapy that exposes your body to a higher dose of estrogen. Or, you might be prescribed low-dose vaginal products such as creams, tablets or a vaginal ring. This treatment reduces the amount of estrogen absorbed into your body during menopause to treat vaginal and urinary symptoms. Certainly, the top doctors will suggest HRT in NJ to treat menopause.

Hysterectomy Side Effects

Secondly, the top hormone replacement therapy in NJ can treat hysterectomy side effects. A hysterectomy consists of removing the uterus. Plus, in some cases, the removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries as well. This procedure can treat unusual menstrual cycles, endometriosis, adenomyosis or ovarian cancer. Of course, if you are having a hysterectomy, especially a radical one, talk to your doctor about HRT options. Since a hysterectomy almost always induces menopausal symptoms, the best physician will provide hormone replacement therapy after your procedure. Most women receive estrogen-alone HRT which can address weight gain, painful sex, brittle bones and hot flashes. Definitely talk to the best doctor in New Jersey about HRT for hysterectomy treatment options.

Low Testosterone Levels

Next, the leading doctor from the top pain clinic in New Jersey can use hormone replacement therapy to treat low testosterone levels. Low testosterone levels can impact sexual development, reproductive function and muscle bulk. Plus, it can affect males from maintaining healthy volumes of red blood cells and bone density. The best physician will conduct an evaluation, discover your symptoms and create a personalized therapy plan. Depending on your results, the top specialist might offer testosterone injections, where you will receive hormone injections into your buttock muscles on a routine basis. Or, you might be prescribed testosterone patches or topical gel. Of course, talk to your doctor. The best physician will discuss all treatment methods and the most effective option for your condition. Certainly, the top HRT in New Jersey can treat low testosterone levels.

Gender Affirmation

Of course, the best specialist might offer hormone replacement therapy to treat gender affirmation conditions. Many individuals transitioning from male to female or female to male use HRT to match their gender identity. First, talk to your doctor and discuss your expectations. Treatment options may vary based on situation, hormone-related conditions and health history. The best doctor may provide male-to-female patients with anti-androgen medication, estrogen and in some cases progesterone. These medicines will block reproduction of testosterone and promote feminine physical changes. Meanwhile, the leading physician can offer female-to-male patients with masculinizing hormone therapy. This therapy can stop your period, deepen your voice and increase the growth of facial and body hair. Surely, the leading doctor might treat gender affirmation conditions with HRT in NJ.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Finally, the top out of network physician in NJ can treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with hormone replacement therapy. RA can be caused by various favors including genetic and environmental conditions. Medical experts have discovered that women maintaining normal levels of estrogen and progesterone have a protective force against RA. In fact, during postovulatory stages of menstruation and pregnancy, women with RA discovered fewer joint issues. Meanwhile, women who have just given birth or are at the second week of their menstrual cycle experience worsened symptoms. As a result, the leading specialist in NJ can offer HRT and increased hormone levels to treat symptoms of RA. Of course, hormone replacement therapy NJ can treat rheumatoid arthritis.

There are several conditions the best doctor in NJ can treat with hormone replacement therapy. First, HRT can treat menopause by increasing your body\’s estrogen levels or reducing levels to treat vaginal and urinary discomfort. Secondly, hormone replacement can treat hysterectomy side effects including induced menopause and low estrogen volumes. Next, the leading doctor can treat low testosterone levels with HRT injections, gels and patches. Of course, hormone replacement therapy can treat gender affirmation conditions by allowing male-to-female and female-to-male patients to receive the hormones that match their gender identity. Finally, talk to your doctor about HRT to treat rheumatoid arthritis by improving joint strength and body stiffness. These are a few conditions the top doctor can treat with hormone replacement therapy in NJ.

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